My avatar!

Hi lets play ROBLOX you can play ROBLOX for free so play friend me please my name is SpookyRob852. my friends play ROBLOX this is my avatar, if you want to buy it you need 2,500 ROBUX but don’t get it. I hope you like my ROBLOX avatar. Tianyu avatar is 3,500 ROBUX he is so cool friend him his name is The rich guy 12 no spaces and Ben. His  name Benjamin hello 123 friend him too he is good at obeys, and my friend Ian his name on Roblox is yellow rex boy no spaces, and that is all bye next I might play Roblox!

our class room

we have 23 kids our class is as big as a small house. My class mates are cool and I love to play with the math games, when i’m done with my thing i play math games they are so fun. You souled play one of the math games play them. all my friends are nice to play with thank you for reading my blog. bye bye!

Im moving in 5 months

Hi, I’m moving in 5 months, if your wondering I’m moving to Reno. We bin planing this for a long time i’m so sad i have to leave, all my friends I have to say bye to all of them. when I move I’m going in the snow and a lot of snow days and that means not a lot of school but the sad part is… when I finish 4th grade I start 5th grade right away because, I have so many days off. And my sister is going with me I think thats what my mom said. Bye, and see you next time.

my 3 dogs

my 3 dogs, they are so cute, chubby, big eyes, fat, bark a lot, and they love to play.                             two old and one young the old dogs are slow but, the young one is fast. I have to take care of all of them. and sometimes they poop at the back and we can’t fined it and it smells! but one of them pasted away one of the old ones 🙁 sad. THE END.

All about me

Hi guys this is my blog I my name Roberto leal, my wired talent is that I have a double jointed pointer finger that I can pop out. And I can put my thumb on my wrist. it is very rare not many people can do it also I can do taco with my tongue and, but I’m not sowing my tongue that is wire, but I will show my double jointed finger.